1974 reminds us why the World Cup was once the greatest show on earth

MY next book, which comes out in June, is titled The Summer of Total Football: World Cup 1974 (Pitch Publishing).  This World Cup was the penultimate 16-team tournament. In some respects, it was the end of an era, because it really marked the culmination of the Total Football revolution. It was certainly the peak point and it … Continue reading 1974 reminds us why the World Cup was once the greatest show on earth

Losers can be heroes, too

HOW often do you hear today, that somebody declares they deserve success because they want it so badly? Wanting something doesn’t mean you deserve to be rewarded, “want” is often a symptom of greed, of entitlement and more than a touch of arrogance. Success has to be earned and the problem for the aggressively-driven folk … Continue reading Losers can be heroes, too